
WARNING!!!! Spoilerifics all over the page. Plus, I'm only providing info on characters I like!

When he and a group of friends play Persona it's for one friend to prove that something wierd is supposed to happen. Well, something weird does happen, but it's still not what they were expecting. The whole group is hit by lightning, and from then on, things get wierder.
She transferred to another country to learn for a while, and has come back home again. While she participates in the game that starts it all, she's a little harder to get to work with. When the demons and monsters show up in the world, you have to pick between her and three others as to whom you will travel with.
One of the calmest people around, but she's not an active player character for long. After things really go nuts, she practically disappears.
Most of the girls in school think he's good-looking. He's also a quiet, loner type, which seems to be their thing too. But if they knew whose brother he is, would they be even happier, or would that scare them off? I mean, he's a bit of a punk because his brother owns or at least runs the huge corporation in town. He's a punk because he doesn't like his brother. He's a punk, or jerk, if you will, just because he is.
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